"Chilled Charlie" is a heartwarming project centered around capturing and sharing the serene moments of Charlie, the Boston Terrier. Through a dedicated YouTube channel and Instagram page, I invite viewers into the world of Charlie's relaxing adventures. The concept emphasizes the beauty of simplicity, allowing viewers to unwind and find joy in the everyday moments of a beloved pet's life. This project serves as a reminder to appreciate life's little pleasures and the companionship of our furry friends.​​​​​​​
Final Cut Pro X
Apple Motion
Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop
Instagram & YouTube
Video Editing and Production: Proficient in using Adobe Premiere Pro to edit and produce engaging video content for the "Chilled Charlie" YouTube channel. This includes adding transitions, overlays, music, and optimizing video quality.
Graphic Design: Skilled in creating eye-catching graphics and thumbnails which in turn enhance the visual appeal of the YouTube channel and Instagram page.
Storytelling through Visual Media: Developed the ability to tell a narrative through video, capturing the essence of Charlie's adventures and creating content that resonates with viewers.
Audience Growth and Analytics: Proficient in utilizing YouTube and Instagram analytics to track performance, understand audience behavior, and make data-driven decisions to enhance content strategy.

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